Creamy clam chowder soup. (Low carb)

3 – 4 portion.

  •  1 kg. mussels
  •  1 yellow onion. 90 grams.
  •  30 grams. grated carrot.
  •  1 clove garlic.
  •  1 dl. cream.
  •  Salt, pepper and a little crushed fennel seeds.
  •  Broth of steamed mussels. Ca 2 dl.
  •  2 dl. fish broth.
  •  1 tbsp. maizena,

A total of approximately 16.56 gr. kbh for the recipe.

Clean the mussels. Mussels steamed in 2 dl. fish broth. About 2-3 min. Do not use closed shells.
Cut onion and garlic into small cubes. Sizzle in butter. Grated carrot added.
Add the cream, broth. spices and starch. Stir. Let it boil for about 5 min before mussels are added just before serving.

If you let out the maizena, you will have a dish with 10.5 carbs. The soup will bee thinner.




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